Depending on the philosophical stance, it has been said that all people have the capability of becoming pure. To do this, they must work hard and devote themselves to cleansing their mind and body of all impurities, the closer they get to purity the further they get from society, though.
atoms ?
SvarSletMake the question of tomorrow to be
SvarSletMagnets, how do they work?
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SvarSletJesus /thread
SvarSletKITTIES :3
SvarSletTough one
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SvarSletshowin <3
SvarSletDepending on the philosophical stance, it has been said that all people have the capability of becoming pure. To do this, they must work hard and devote themselves to cleansing their mind and body of all impurities, the closer they get to purity the further they get from society, though.
SvarSletJust sharing some thoughts on it.
ill make some touches to you
SvarSletConfusing :p
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SvarSletDenne kommentar er fjernet af en blogadministrator.
SvarSletif you always can watch yourself in the mirror.